
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Halloween Ribbon Wreath

Ribbon Wreath's are all over Pinterest right now and I think they're super cute.  Most of the images direct you to an Etsy page and they are charging up to $100 for one. So...I thought I should try and make one myself (with a little help from Ms. Alexa, of course).

I've had a lot of nice comments about my ribbon wreath and some people have asked for directions on how to make their own so I thought I'd post a very quick tutorial.   I don't think there is any right or wrong way to do it and I just went with what was easiest.

Foam Wreath - whatever size you want
Ribbon in various widths and colors - LOTS OF IT!  I believe I used at least 12 different colors of ribbon.
Straight pins (or hot glue if you're braver and less prone to burn yourself than me)
Embellishments, if desired.

Something that you should do before you start is cover the wreath with either wide ribbon, tulle or spray paint so the white doesn't show through.  I didn't do this but wish I would've.

Next, start cutting strips of ribbon.  I decided I wanted varying lengths to give the wreath more dimension and texture.  This made it easy because I didn't do any measuring, I just cut where it looked good.  If you want your wreath to be more uniform and perfect, go with the same length of ribbon each time - probably around 4-5 inches.

Next, start making loops of ribbon and fastening them to the wreath with a straight pin.  Depending on the size/location of the ribbon you may need to use 2 pins per ribbon loop.  I chose to make my loops like this:

Then I stuck them to the wreath.  I did one type of ribbon at a time to try and place them uniformly around the wreath.  I also chose to change the direction of the ribbon loops and use no particular pattern because I liked that look better.  You could place them in the same direction in rows if you'd rather.

Then just fill in the entire top and sides of the wreath with ribbon.  This part took me several days to accomplish because I didn't have enough time in one sitting to do it all.

When the whole wreath is covered you can add embellishments if you want.  I chose a cute little spider that Alexa picked out at Michaels in the discount section.

You're done!

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