
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Help Wanted

Growing up, I always had terrible allergies.  But when we lived in Arizona, I really didn't have too much of an allergy problem because most everything I'm allergic to doesn't exist there.  Then, when we moved back to Nebraska I didn't have too many allergies because I was either pregnant or my hormones were still out of whack from having babies (yes...that can really happen).

Now; however, I am crazy miserable with stupid allergies.  It's so bad in fact that the muscles in between my ribs are crazy sore because I've been sneezing so much.   I can't use regular old antihistamine's because they knock me out cold and I am useless.  Claritin D used to work for me but last week I took just ONE pill and I couldn't sleep for two days.  So...last week with my red nose, itchy eyes, and constant sneezing I decided the only solution was to get pregnant.

Then...Alexa got the stomach flu and I had to keep her under quarantine, I cared for three kids for one afternoon (we watched my niece for a bit and she was very well behaved but three kids is still three kids), I realized I am already over tired and exhausted and I deal with enough poo and crying the way it I came to my senses.

There will be no pregnant Momma's around here anytime soon so I'm very interested in finding a magic solution to the stupid allergies that won't either knock me out or keep me up for days.  Any advice is much appreciated!!


  1. I'm so sorry because of Your allergy. Do You take some medicines for that? I know this pain, but finally I got good pills. Greetings from Poland.
